Visit us at our Dessert Shop!
266 East Barnet Road, Barnet,Hertfordshire. EN4 8TD.
Tel no: 0208 449 9711
If you know about Sweet N Delish, then you will know we are firstly known for our Rolled Ice Cream.

What is Rolled Ice Cream?
A question we get asked many many times!
Rolled Ice Cream is a specialist Hand Crafted frozen dessert made right before your very eyes on our Ice Pans.
The beauty of it is that it is made to order, you get to choose exactly what goes in it and you get all the fun of watching it being made!
Made with our signature Vanilla Ice Cream mix, you can choose from a wide range of flavours from a fruit option such as Fresh Strawberry to your favourite chocolate or biscuit to add in which is then mixed together and rolled up when frozen into beautiful Ice cream rolls!

We also have a range of Vegan Rolled Ice Cream flavours as well as Gluten Free!
It's the most exciting dessert you will ever have!
There are no gimmicks when you come to Sweet N Delish!
We will guarantee you have the best experience with us and our customers always leave with a smile on their faces!
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